Nearly There
It makes a change from 11 months ago

After a quiet Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, with no cycling, I went to Peterborough on Saturday to see the Toon's promotion bandwagon roll on. An early start was in order. Out the house for 7am to walk to the train station in the pouring rain. I got to the station only to find there were no trains running all weekend owing to engineering work. Grrrrrrr! So I had to walk the mile or so to the nearest tube station. Guess what, as I arrived at the tube station, the rain stopped. So I was soaked and already running late. Tube to Kings Cross and train to Peterborough where I was met by BTP's finest.

Escorted Out of Town?
Actually, the two BTP police were just walking ahead of me, having got off the same train as me and I was not being escorted out of the station. Well, that's the defence version of events.
A quick rendezvous with some of the lads in Asda and then onto the pub for 10am. Liquid refreshments in several public houses with various friends from many years of following the Toon.One of the lads presented Northumbria's finest with a box of Easter Eggs as a gesture of friendship. (Hope they remembered to declare the gifts received).
The game itself was pretty much more of the usual rubbish, punctuated by a good sing song and the acquisition of a black n white flag - thanks Tom. Sadly, the party was postponed (not cancelled though) owing to the points failure at Bristol City. So its Monday night for the party.
After the game we went back into town for a post match drink. We came across the interesting sight of Cambridgeshire Police and Northumbria Police surrounding a pub to protect the Peterborough fans from the vast numbers of Newcastle fans.
We ended up drinking bottles of The Dog in a Wetherspoons pub in town. I don't drink the Dog unless I've already had a skinful. Looks like I'd had a skinful then.
Travelling from Kings Cross to Liverpool St on the way home, we met a young girl (well about 18) - initially she said she was from Newcastle, but on chatting with her, she is from a tiny hamlet about 2 miles from where I grew up - a small world! Her ambition? To be a topless model!!!!! All I can say is she has a couple of things going for her!
I got home, ordered a Chinese takeaway and then promptly fell asleep on the sofa. I eventually awoke to the delivery man banging on the door to wake me up. I then managed to fall asleep before eating all the food, so it was cold chinese for breakfast - lovely!
Just a quick message to a certain Cockney- just because we are nearly promoted, it doesn't mean the message has changed to you.

Easter Sunday - I delivered the Easter Egg I was asked for. I was told by someone [In the interests of privacy, I won't mention their name - lets call them say Michelle] that they wanted a chocolate egg from Cadbury's. I did exactly as they told me and bought them one of these.

Did I get any thanks? Of course not!
They complained that it wasn't what they wanted. However as I pointed out the instructions I got were not to turn up on Sunday unless: -
a) I came bearing chocolate
b) in the form of an egg and
c) it had to be from Cadbury.
Now I ask you, is a Cadbury's caramel egg not:
a) chocolate;
b) an egg; and
c) made by Cadbury?
I did all that was asked of me. Tell me what I did wrong? Apparently size matters.
Thanks for my Green and Blacks Egg - lovely, but sickly - and not good for the diet.
On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead, and I entered the doghouse - again! I'm sent there so often, by so many people that I'm thinking of changing my name to Fido or Rover. Woof woof
I do have to report that I appear to have strained my knee with all the exertions yesterday. It won't affect my cycling, but it has made it painful to walk today. Not good!
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